Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Clay.. Healing Skin Naturally









This is a natural skincare product I cannot get enough of and probably rave about the most to anyone that will listen.  I have managed to convert all my family and friends into using this product.  It’s 100% natural and ridiculously cheap.  What is it I hear you ask? Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Facial Clay (claimed to be the most powerful facial in the world) has done wonders for my forever blemished skin, well not so blemished anymore and it’s thanks to this facial.

Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Facial Clay is a deep pore cleansing facial mask and is made up of 100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay, nothing else! This facial is somewhat interesting as firstly, it comes in a very fine powdery substance which needs to be mixed with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.  What a combination right?  I know, I get that reaction from anyone I talk to about this, but when they try it, they totally understand my obsession!

So I mix say a teaspoon of the powder with a couple of teaspoons of the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to make a smooth creamy consistency.  I then pack this onto my face with an old foundation brush (just to keep the mess down to a minimum, plus I feel more pampered using this technique), not being shy with the amount as the more the better! Now, here is the fun part..within a minute or two, your skin with start to feel warm followed by a pulsating feeling.. don’t freak out, it’s supposed to happen and it’s a nice feeling in a weird way as you actually feel like all the rubbish clogging up your pores being sucked right out.  Sounds gross right? But it’s a relaxing feeling, trust me.  I just lay back and let the mask do it’s job.  The packaging mentions to keep it on for about 5-10 minutes, but I like to keep it on for about 30 minutes and do this once a week.  The bad thing about this product is it can be a little tricky to wash off, it can get a little messy but I think it’s worth it.  My skin looks red for about half an hour or so, which is normal and down to the pulsating, so I always make sure I do this on a day when I won’t be leaving the house.

The results…smooth, clear, radiant and supple skin! It really does clear out your pores and you can actually see the difference! It’s magical.. ok, I am being a little dramatic but to me, anything that can improve my acne prone skin is magic! : ) Pores are definitely visibly smaller, that is for sure.  Your skin will feel a little dry after so I make sure I use a good moisturiser or oil straight after.  If you notice any flaking, that’s ok, it’s just dead skin, you don’t want that hanging around any way ; )

So, what can I say, I absolutely love this product, you can pick it up online for I think about £10 approximately and a bottle of the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is very cheap too! Who needs expensive, facials at the salon when you can achieve this in your very own home.  Let me know if you have used this mask before or whether you plan on trying it out.  Would love to hear from you.  I’ll see you soon. X.O.

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